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Gumpaste Rose Tutorial

Gumpaste Rose Bud

Tools Needed

Pasta Roller or Rolling pin

Egg white in a small container

Gumpaste in desired color for petals

18g wire 6” with foam cone center

Green gumpaste for leaves & calyx

Styrofoam block

Baggies for gumpaste

Dresden tool


Medium calyx cutter


50mm rose cutter

Ball rollers

Small scissors

Craft foam with X cut in center

Petal dust in desired color

Small flat paint brush

Small soft paint brushes

Petal veiner

Plastic cover for rolled out gumpaste to keep from drying out

  1. Use pasta roller or Rolling pin to roll the petal gumpaste to a thinness of 1/16” or 5 on pasta roller.

  2. Cut 3 sets of 50mm rose petals. Keep gumpaste in baggie to keep the gumpaste from drying out. Place the cut out petal sets under the plastic until just prior to using them.

  3. Dust your celpad with cornstarch & place 1 petal set on it. Dust your fingers with the cornstarch to keep them from sticking.

  4. Hold the petal set lightly, but firmly in place & use the ball tool on one petal at a time to stretch out & thin each one. Each petal top should be flat & squarish with rounded corners.

  5. Place the petal set on the craft foam. Paint the center with a small amount of egg white. Push the wire with the foam cone through the center & seat the bottom of the cone on the egg white area.

  6. Brush the cone with a small amount of egg white. Choose one of the petals to be #1 & brush a small amount of egg white up both sides of the petal. Gently lift it so the top of the petal is slightly above the cone point. Wrap 1 side arount the cone & lightly press it to the cone. Roll the petal around the cone, crossing the other petal side & press it to the opposite site pf the petal forming a top point with the petal.

  7. Move on to petal #3 & apply egg white to the right side only of the petal. Bring it up so the top of the petal is even with the point & attach it to petal #1 on the 1 side.

  8. Move on to petal #5 & apply egg white to the right side only of the petal. Bring it up so the top of the petal is even with petal #3. Tuck the wet side into the “open door” & attach it to petal #1. If you look at the flower from the top, it sort of looks like an “S”.

  9. Go back to petal #2 & apply egg white to the right side only of the petal. Bring it up so the top of the petal is even with the other 2 petals & tuck the wet side into the “open door” between the already attached petals & attach it.

  10. Do the same with petal #4. With a small amount of egg white, tack down all but 1 of the petals to the backside of the others (closing the "doors"), leaving 1 “open door” for the next row of petals.

  11. Set aside in the Styrofoam block.

  12. Prepare a second row of petals as in step 4.

  13. Place the petal set on the craft foam. Paint the center with a small amount of egg white. Push the wire with the foam cone through the center & seat the bottom of the cone on the egg white area so that the petals are offset from the 1st row..

  14. Apply egg white to 1 petal &, in a spiral like manner, tuck the wet side into the “open door” left in step 10. Attach the prior petal to back of the just placed petal. Repeat this step with the rest of the petals leaving an "open door".

  15. Repeat with the 3rd row of petals completely attaching the last betal to the bud.

  16. Roll the green gumpaste to a thinness of 1/16” or 5 on pasta roller. Cut the calyx with the calyx cutter. Snip 3 of the sepals to create tiny strings. Use the dresden tool to thin the sepals of the calyx & curl them. With the points of the calyx up, place it in the craft foam. Brush the center with egg white & halfway up each sepal. Insert the rose stem through the center & attach it to the base of the rose & arrange the calyx around the bud so it looks natural.

  17. (Optional Rose Hip) Roll a small ball of the green gumpaste & flatten the “top”. Brush a small amount of egg white on the flat top & push the wire through the center & securely attach it to the base of the calyx. Pinch the bottom slightly to ensure the bottom of the hip is attached to the wire.

  18. Allow to dry for several hours or overnight.

  19. Tear off a length of the floral tape. Stretch it to activate the glue. Wrap the tape around the wire in a downward angle to the bottom tip & tear off the excess.

  20. Use soft brushes to dust highlights on the edges of the bud.

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